
Become a Volunteer at Willunga Waldorf School

Volunteers form an integral part of the cultural fabric of Willunga Waldorf School (WWS), supporting the work of our staff and enriching the lives of the children and young people in our care.

Whether it’s assisting with reading in class, helping in the gardens, accompanying excursions, opening the Rainbow Room or serving on School Council – there are many ways you can get involved and contribute to our school community.

WWS seeks to be a safe, just, compassionate, responsive and inclusive place for all. We also have an obligation to comply with all current child protection and Work Health Safety legislation and are committed to a best practice approach regarding child safety.

Therefore, all our volunteers are required to hold a current, “not prohibited” South Australian Working with Children Check, undertake regular Mandatory Notification (RRHAN-EC) Training and sign a Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement. Please see our Volunteer Policy on our Policies page.

If you would like to register as a volunteer at WWS, please read the Volunteer Information Booklet and then fill in the form below.

Volunteer Application and Agreement Form

Before completing this form, please ensure you have read the Volunteer Information Booklet. Completing this form is an acknowledgement that you have read, understood, and agree to all the contents of that document.

On this form you are required to upload PDF copies of your RRHAN-EC (and other documents if you have them). Ensure you have these documents ready to upload before starting this form.

If you have trouble uploading your PDFs, please complete the form in full, submit it, then email the PDFs to hr@wws.sa.edu.au or bring them into the Front Office.

Thank you.

Volunteer Application and Agreement Form

This form is to apply to be a volunteer at Willunga Waldorf School.

DD slash MM slash YYYY
My relationship to the School:(Required)

Which area are you interested volunteering in?(Required)

Max. file size: 32 MB.
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Max. file size: 32 MB.

“A healthy social life is found only, when in the mirror of each soul the whole community finds its reflection, and when in the whole community the virtue of each one is living.”

Rudolf Steiner