2025 Fee Schedule

Tuition Fees Annual Fixed Charges* Total Annual Commitment
Kindergarten (5 sessions)$2,788$250 $3,038
Reception $5,576 $350 $5,926
Class 1 $5,576 $875 $6,451
Class 2 $5,310 $700 $6,276
Class 3 $5,576 $1,250 $6,826
Class 4 $5,576$1,300 $6,876
Class 5 $5,576 $1,300 $6,876
Class 6 $5,576 $1,400 $6,976
Class 7 $5,576 $1,600 $7,176
Class 8 $5,897$1,650 $7,547
Class 9 $5,897 $1,750$7,647
Class 10 $5,897 $1,500 $7,397
Class 11 $5,897$1,750$7,647
Class 12 $6,398 $2,000 $8,398
CAPITAL LEVY per family
Capital Levy $390
ANNUAL LEVIES per family
Steiner Education Australia levy $65

Annual Fixed Charges

These cover all classroom materials, activities, camps and excursions.

Liability for School Fees

All signatories to the enrolment documentation are liable for the payment of fees and charges unless we are advised of a different arrangement in writing.

Options for Payment of School Fees

  • To receive a discount on Tuition Fees, pay annual fees in full by the end of Week 1 in Term 1, or
  • Pay fees by instalments throughout the year by setting up an account with Edstart.

Note: Fees for Playgroup and After School Kid Club will continue to be payable directly to the School. 

Non-Payment of School Fees

Fees become overdue if:

  • They have not been paid in full by the end of Week 1 in Term 1: or
  • An account has not been set up with Edstart and a payment plan established.

Non-payment of fees may result in your child’s enrolment at the School being cancelled.

Tuition Fee Discounts

  • 5% discount on Tuition Fees if full payment is made by the end of Week 1 Term 1.
  • 3% discount on Tuition Fees applies if 50% payment is made by the end of Week 1 Term 1 and 50% payment is made by the end of Week 1 Term3.

Sibling Discounts

Second Child 20% off Tuition Fees

Third Child 40% off Tuition Fees

Fourth and subsequent child 60% off Tuition Fees

School Card

Families eligible for financial support through a DECS School Card application can receive an allowance of 30% off the Tuition Fee for each child. Discount will only be applied against your account once we have received notice of your eligibility. Kindergarten students are not eligible for the School Card allowance. More information is available at https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/education-and-learning/financial-help-scholarships-and-grants/school-card-scheme.


To off-set the Capital Levy, families can elect to volunteer their time to work in our garden, with a focus on our Education Garden and Wetlands. The full levy can be offset by 12 hours of volunteering per year. This needs to be completed prior to the end of Term 3 to be applied to this year’s fees. For further details please contact the office.


We ask Parents/Caregivers wishing to withdraw a child from the school to provide at least 6 weeks’ notice. Full term fees for the final term of attendance will be charged.


We recognise that choosing a school is a big decision. We invite you to visit us and learn more about how a Waldorf education at Willunga Waldorf School can benefit your child.

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