School Council
Willunga Waldorf School for Rudolf Steiner Incorporated is an incorporated association with the objective to establish and maintain a school which is guided by the principles and philosophy of Dr. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) in their application to the education of children and young people.
Governance of the school is the responsibility of the School Council. Council membership comprises two members of the Association selected by the College of Teachers, up to two members of the Association who are not employees of the school selected by Parents & Friends, up to three members of the Association who are not employees of the school selected by Council, the Head of School and the Business Manager.
The Council’s role is to support and guide the school to achieve its objectives in a manner that engages the whole school community for the educational benefit of its students. The Council will also ensure that the school meets all its statutory and regulatory compliance requirements.
Constitution for Willunga Waldorf School for Rudolf Steiner Inc
Current members of the School Council are:
- Hannah Matthews – Chair (Council)
- Claire Fisher (Council)
- Andrew Bentley (P&F)
- Beth Midgley (P&F)
- Chantelle Sommers (College)
- Joshua Withers (College)
- Jodie Thomas (Head of School)
- Sharon Miller – Secretary (Business Manager)
A separate Compliance and Finance Sub-committee also meets at least twice per term and provides more detailed oversight of the regulatory and financial requirements of the school. The sub-committee is chaired by a Council member and reports directly to Council.
Current members of the sub-committee are:
- Claire Fisher (Chair)
- Cameron Day
- Ash Rawling
- Robert Elftmann
- Sharon Miller

Association Membership
Willunga Waldorf School is a member based Incorporated Association. Persons eligible to become members of the Association include:
- Any parent or guardian who has signed the enrolment form for a child at present attending the school,
- Any permanent staff member of the school,
- Any other person willing to abide by the objects of the Association.
Eligible persons must confirm their membership for the year by signing a membership form and returning it to the Association Secretary, via the front office. Membership will be automatically confirmed for eligible persons whose membership forms are submitted by the end of the final week of Term 1. Membership confirmation after that date is at the discretion of the Council except that no new members will be accepted during the period of notice for a Special General Meeting or the Annual General Meeting of members.

Annual General Meeting
All members of the school community are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting whether official voting members or not. The 2024 Annual General Meeting was held in accordance with the WWS constitution on Wednesday 22 May 2024.
Annual ReportsBOOK A TOUR
We recognise that choosing a school is a big decision. We invite you to visit us and learn more about how a Waldorf education at Willunga Waldorf School can benefit your child.
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