How to Enrol

Application for Enrolment

Once you have decided that the Willunga Waldorf School is right for you and your child, you can download the APPLICATION FOR ENROLMENT FORM to commence the enrolment process or contact us. To be considered for a place in one of the Playgroups you will also need to complete an application form.  Please make sure that you register your interest for Playgroup by ticking YES on page 4 of the Application for Enrolment Form.


All Class intakes are for children born 1st January to 31st December.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year and enrolments occur as positions become available.

Waiting Lists

Any child whose application is received after the class has reached maximum enrolment will automatically be placed on a waiting list.

School Tour

It is important that your choice of a Steiner Education for your child be an informed choice. We therefore strongly recommend that both parents/guardians attend a School Tour.

Attending a school morning tour offers families a chance to meet teachers and see classes in action.  We also have events for parents and students specifically interested in High School.

Enrolment Process

Come & Try

In Primary, Middle and High School, when a position has become available in a class, we offer a Come and Try experience for the student.  This gives the student the opportunity to see what a Waldorf School is like, prior to the position being confirmed.  Students can visit their Class for 3 to 5 days and experience the curriculum, students and community. This visit gives the student, parents and faculty an opportunity to see if Willunga Waldorf School is the ideal, next educational step.

Head of School Interview

The interview with our Head of School is an opportunity for parents to discuss Waldorf education including its philosophy and methodology as it pertains to the individual child, and to become clear about the expectations of parents, caregivers and the community at Willunga Waldorf School.

Class Teacher/High School Guardian Interview

The Class Teacher or High School Guardian interview allows parents and students to express their hopes and expectations and enables teacher insight into each young person’s gifts and challenges.

Enrolment Offer

When a position is offered, a letter of offer and enrolment forms are given to the parents or caregivers.  This offer is accepted by return of enrolment forms and payment of the enrolment fee.


We recognise that choosing a school is a big decision. We invite you to visit us and learn more about how a Waldorf education at Willunga Waldorf School can benefit your child.