“Music is the expression of the will of nature while all other arts are expressions of the idea of nature”.
Music at the Willunga Waldorf school is integrated across all year levels and throughout the school week. From the earliest days of preschool to the final days of Class 12, students are embraced and surrounded by a culture that values the arts and works to sustain an interest in developing one’s own musical ability throughout schooling and beyond. Music develops self-reflection, discipline, practice, expression as well as a host of social benefits.
Dynamic opportunities are presented for students to engage with instrumental lessons, where they come into contact with string, wind and percussion instruments as well as daily singing which builds strength, focus, health and an appreciation of their developing co-ordination and ear for music.
Equipping students with the tools to master strong foundations in the musical elements sets young students up for explorations in composition, improvisation, music technology, recording and performance as they grow older and develop their individual expression and identity through music in the High School.

While all students are involved in weekly specialist lessons and weekly instrumental lessons up to the end of primary school, multiple extension activities are provided for those who wish to excel or get more involved. These include the senior ensemble/orchestra, the Music Elective, performances at fairs, markets, festivals, instrumental nights, Music Camp, Class 12 project and more.
A real point of difference in the High School education is Morning Circle, which takes place at the start of every day to ground and centre all students and staff before commencing other lessons. In this circle students sing together as a whole HS community music from a variety of styles, cultures and periods and are expected to participate and develop leadership skills that will serve them in their communication across all areas of life, as well as create moments of joy and memories to treasure.
The instrumental staff at WWS are integrated with the teaching of ensembles, the production of performance nights and the communication with parents regarding children’s musical needs and development. Many class teachers also commit to learning instruments along with their class to exemplify the principle that playing music is as important and core as any other subject.
A key strength of the program is its inclusivity and support of young people to find their own voice, balanced with learning and honouring traditional formats such as descant recorder duets, four part choir and string ensemble. This, coupled with a conscious focus on the importance of building and sustaining community through music makes for a rich and accommodating experience for every student.
We recognise that choosing a school is a big decision. We invite you to visit us and learn more about how a Waldorf education at Willunga Waldorf School can benefit your child.
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